Minnesota Machinery Museum
Minnesota Machinery Museum in Hanley Falls, MN

Minnesota Machinery Museum

About Us:

Our museum features five large buildings (26,000 sq ft) on a beautiful six-acre site. Its mission is to recapture a century of stories about farm life. Implements, tools, tractors and gas engines in mint condition along with rural art help you look back to an era when neighbors worked together to harvest their crops, raise barns and build a better life for their families. Enjoy an afternoon browsing on your own or guided tours always available.

Hours To Visit Us:

The museum is open to the public May through September. Museum hours are from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Saturday; Sunday 1:00 to 4:30 PM. We are closed holidays. For other hours or if you would like to schedule a group tour, please call 507-768-3522.

There is no admission charge, however, you are invited to spend a few hours visiting the museum and any donation is welcome.


In Southwestern Minnesota, Located 9 miles south of Granite Falls or 20 miles north of Marshall on Highway 23 in Hanley Falls; 1 block west of Highway 23 & 1 block north.