Finance & Administration
180 8th Avenue
Granite Falls, MN 56241
Phone: (320) 564-5841
Finance & Administration duties include:
• Directs the day to day operations of the County, including the supervision of appointed department heads.
• Assists departments with the resolution of issues.
• Manages the county's human resource functions and personnel issues; represents the County in labor negotiations and disputes.
• Directs the County’s financial activities including payroll, cash management, investments, accounting, financial statement development
and internal controls.
• Coordinates the county’s employee benefit programs.
• Attends meetings of the Board of Commissioners and related committees and boards.
• Prepares and distributes agendas and minutes of the County Board.
• Coordinates the County's budget process; recommends budget and fiscal policy to the Board of Commissioners.
• Develops and recommends policies to the Board of Commissioners.
• Represents the County at meetings, conferences, seminars, and with the news media.
Please contact the Court Administrator's Office at (320) 722-7002 if you have questions regarding fines and other court matters.