Highway Department
The Yellow Medicine County Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance and construction of 510 miles of County State Aid Highways and County Roads.
The highway department maintenance crew operates trucks and heavy equipment out of the main shop in Granite Falls, and four outlying shops in Canby, Porter, Clarkfield, and Wood Lake. Maintenance responsibilities include items such as blading and adding surfacing to gravel roadways; patching, crack filling, shouldering, and seal coating bituminous roadways; roadside mowing and weed spraying; installation and maintenance of traffic control signs and pavement markings; snow and ice control in the winter.
Responsibilities of the engineering staff include items such as scheduling and programming of the five-year construction plan, surveying, plan preparation, right of way acquisition, contract administration and construction supervision for both road and bridge construction projects. The engineering department is responsible for the inspection of 274 county, city, and township bridges. The engineering department also performs traffic studies for a variety of uses and provides technical assistance to other local government units.
Our mission is to provide the residents of Yellow Medicine County with a highway system that is safe, convenient, and affordable. We value your input! If you have an issue that you would like us to examine, please contact us.
1320 13th Street
Granite Falls, MN 56241
Phone: 320-313-3000
Regular Business Hours: April - October: M-TH 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
County Engineer
Assistant Engineer
Engineering Tech
Maintenance Foreman
Maintenance Mechanic
Tabby Niemeyer
Phone: 320-313-3001
Email: Tabby.Niemeyer@co.ym.mn.gov