Developmental Disabilities
To be eligible for developmental disability services, the person must have mental retardation or a related condition.
A person with mental retardation means a person who has substantial limitations in present functioning, manifested as significantly subaverage intellectual functioning (IQ under 70), existing concurrently with demonstrated deficits in adaptive behavior and who manifests these conditions before the person’s 22nd birthday.
A person with a related condition means a person who has been diagnosed as having a severe, chronic disability that meets all of the following conditions:
1. Is attributable to cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, Prader-Willi syndrome, or any other condition, other than mental illness or an emotional disturbance and is found to be closely related to mental retardation because the condition results in impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior similar to that of persons with mental retardation and requires treatment or services similar to those required for persons with mental retardation;
2. Is manifested before the person reaches 22 years of age;
3. Is likely to continue indefinitely; and
4. Results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity:
A. Self-care;
B. Understanding and use of language;
C. Learning;
D. Mobility;
E. Self-direction; or
F. Capacity for independent living
It is important to note that eligibility for Developmental Disability services must include significant delays in areas of cognition. While many times medical conditions and/or behavioral conditions are also a part of the person’s disability, these concerns alone would not result in eligibility for these services, and there are other services that would be more appropriate.
To make a referral for services, call 320-564-2211 and ask to speak to the intake worker for Social Services. You will be asked to provide recent medical, psychological, and/or special education assessments to the agency to help determine eligibility.
Family Support Grant:
The Family Support Grant (FSG) is a resource for children with disabilities who live or will live in their family home. Many families with children with disabilities living at home incur higher than average expenses that are directly related to the child’s disability.
The Family Support Grant provides grants designed to prevent out of home placement to families to offset some of these expenses and gives the families the flexibility to purchase an array of supports and services to meet the child’s needs. The amount of and number of grants varies by county. Families wishing to access the program need to complete an application form and provide information to certify the child has been certified disabled, a description of the family’s needs, and other information as needed to determine grant eligibility.
Eligibility for the Family Support Grant:
- Under 21 years of age; AND
- Family is income eligible;
- Certified disabled;
- Living in their biological or adoptive family home; OR
- Residing in a treatment center, ICF/MCR, or other licensed residential service or nursing facility and would return to their family home if the grant were awarded;
- People who are receiving services through a Home and Community Based Waiver including CAC/CADI/TBI. People receiving the DD waiver are not eligible for Family Support Grant dollars.