Feedlot Program
Yellow Medicine County has been a delegated county since 1980. Yellow Medicine County enforces Minnesota Rule Chapter 7020 through the Yellow Medicine County Feedlot Ordinance.
Questions or comments regarding feedlots, please contact this office at 320-669-7524 or send an email to jolene.johnson@co.ym.mn.gov
What is a Feedlot?
- A feedlot is a lot or building or a group of lots or buildings used for the confined feeding, breeding or holding of animals. This definition includes areas specifically designed for confinement in which manure may accumulate or any area where the concentration of animals is such that a vegetative cover cannot be maintained. Lots used to feed and raise poultry are considered to be feedlots. Pastures are not animal feedlots.
Feedlot Registration - Am I Required to Register?
- The location and number of animals at the site determines whether or not a feedlot must be registered. Owners of the following operations must register:
- Feedlots located in shoreland (land that is 1,000 feet or less from a lake or 300 feet from a river or stream) and that maintain 10 animal units or more.
- Feedlots located outside of shoreland and that maintain 50 animal units or more.
Registration forms may be obtained by calling the Land and Resource Management Office at 320-669-7524.
Producer Information:
MPCA Feedlot Program Information
MPCA Fact Sheets and Publications
Feedlot Grant Reports: