Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS)


Yellow Medicine County's Subsurface Sewage Treatment Ordinance

Yellow Medicine County requires landowners to obtain a sewer permit prior to the installation, construction, replacement, modification, alteration, repair or capacity expansion of a sewage treatment system.  The purpose of the permit is to ensure that the proposed construction activity is sited, designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the County's SSTS Ordinance. 

Sewer permits are available at the Yellow Medicine County Land and Resource Management Office.  There is a $200 sewer permit fee. 

If you are only installing a holding tank, the permit fee is $175.00.  


Homeowner Information:


Disclosure at Property Transfer:

Yellow Medicine County does not require that septic systems be upgraded upon property transfer.  However, Minnesota Statute 115.55, Subd. 6, requires that a property seller disclose, in writing, to the buyer how sewage is managed at the property


If the property has a septic system, the disclosure must include:

* A legal description of the property and the county in which it’s located 

* A map showing the location of the system on the property, to the extent practicable. This requirement applies to abandoned septic systems, as well. 

*Indication whether the septic system is in use and, to the seller’s knowledge, if it complies with applicable laws and rules


Low Interest Loan Programs:

The following low interest loan programs are available to residents of Yellow Medicine County who would like to upgrade their non-conforming septic systems.

Ag BMP Loan:

  • 3% interest with a 1/2% origination fee
  • 10 year loan
  • Repayment will be as a special assessment on your property taxes
  • Contact the Yellow Medicine SWCD at 320-669-4442 or the Yellow Medicine County Land and Resource Management Office at 320-669-7524 for more information


Grant Program:

Yellow Medicine County was awarded a grant to assist homeowner's fix their non-conforming subsurface sewage treatment system.  This is for homesteaded, single family homes and taxes on the property must be current.  Eligibility is based on income:

75% of the cost to fix the system will be paid, if your household gross annual income is less than the following:

       1 person:  $41,650

       2 persons:  $44,982

       3 persons:   $48,581

       4 persons:   $52,467

       5 persons:   $55,000

50% of the cost to fix the system will be paid, if your household gross annual income is less than the following:

       1 person:   $66,650

       2 persons:  $71,982

       3 persons:   $77,741

       4 persons:   $83,960

        5 persons:  $88,000

If you are interested in applying, please contact the Land and Resource Management Office at 320-669-7524.