Ag Inspector

Jolene Johnson
County Ag Inspector

Noxious Weeds:

Prohibited Noxious Weeds are annual, biennial, or perennial plants that the Commissioner of Agriculture designates as having the potential or are known to be detrimental to human or animal health, the environment, public roads, crops, livestock or property.  There are two regulatory listings for prohibited noxious weeds in Minnesota:

  • Eradicate List - prohibited noxious weeds that are listed to be eradicated are plants that are not currently known to be present or are not widely established.  These species must be eradicated, meaning all of the above and below ground parts of the plant must be destroyed.  Measures must also be taken to prevent and exclude these species from being introduced into Minnesota.
  • Controlled List - prohibited noxious weeds that are listed to be controlled are plants that are established throughout Minnesota or regions of the state.  Species on this list must be controlled, meaning efforts must be made to destroy all propogating parts and prevent seed maturation and dispersal.

The prohibited noxious weed list can be viewed at:


Restricted Noxious Weeds are plants that are widely distributed in Minnesota and are detrimental to human or animal health, the environment, public roads, crops, livestock or other property, but whose only reasible means of control is to prevent their spread by prohibiting the importation, sale and transportation of their propagating parts.

The restricted noxious weed list can be viewed at:


Specially Regulated Plants - are plants that may be native species or have demonstrated economic value, but also have the potential to cause harm in non-controlled environments.  Plants designated as specially regulated have been determined to pose ecological, economical, or human or animal health concerns.

Specially Regulated Plants can be viewed at:


County Noxious Weeds - On April 23, 2019, the Yellow Medicine County Board of Commissioners adopted a Resolution designating Musk Thistle (Carduus Nutans) and Bull Thistle (Cirsium Vulgare) as Noxious Weeds in Yellow Medicine County. 






Notice is hereby given this 13th day of May, 2023, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.83, Subdivision 1 (2009), that all persons in Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota, shall control or eradicate all noxious weeds on land they occupy or are required to maintain.  Control or eradication may be accomplished by any lawful method, but the method(s) applied may need to be repeated in order to prevent the spread of viable noxious weed seeds and other propagating parts to other lands.  Failure to comply with the general notice may mean that an individual notice, Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.83, Subdivision 2 (2009), will be issued.  An individual notice may be appealed within two working days of receipt to the appeal committee in the county where the land is located.  Failure to comply with an individual notice will mean that the inspector having jurisdiction may either hire the work done or seek a misdemeanor charge against the person(s) who failed to comply.  If the work is hired done by the inspector, the cost can be placed as a tax upon the land and collected as other real estate taxes are collected.  You may obtain a list of the plants that are designated noxious and the members of the appeal committee from your County Agricultural Inspector or County-Designated Employee.  You can also obtain this information from your Local Weed Inspectors.  Local Weed Inspectors include the township supervisors, city mayors or their appointed assistants.  More information regarding the MN Noxious Weed Law and a list of County Agricultural Inspectors and Designated Employees can be obtained from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture's Web Site by visiting:

In addition to the statewide listed noxious weeds designated by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Bull Thistle (Cirsium Vulgare) and Musk Thistle (Carduus Nutans) have been approved for listing on the County Listed Noxious Weeds in Yellow Medicine County, by the Yellow Medicine County Board of Commissioners, as permitted by Minnesota Statutes 18.79, Subds. 13 and 14.  Contact your county agricultural inspector for more information regarding County Noxious Weeds.  






Commercial Applicator Exams:

The Yellow Medicine County Land and Resource Management Office is a testing site for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture's Commercial Pesticide Applicator program. 

Tests are given by appointment only.  Please call 320-669-7524 to schedule an appointment.