Planning and Zoning


Yellow Medicine County Comprehensive Plan

The Yellow Medicine County Comprehensive Plan was originally adopted in 1979 and was updated and adopted by the County Board of Commissioners in 2006.  The Comprehensive Plan provides a planning guide for the future development of the County.  The Plan includes goals, objectives and strategies for topics such as housing, agriculture, business/economic development, transportation, natural resources, parks, recreation and county services.


Yellow Medicine County Land Use and Related Resource Management Ordinance

The Yellow Medicine County Land Use and Related Resource Management Ordinance was first adopted in 1979 and was last updated and amended in 2010.  The Ordinance regulates the uses and development of land in the unincorporated areas of the County.


Land Use Permits

A land use permit is required for any new construction of a building, structure or accessory structure; or the addition to any building or structure, including but not limited to:  house, garage, storage sheds, decks, porches, signs, grain bins, and barns.  A land use permit is also required for any structure moved on to a property.

A land use permit is NOT required for the replacement of windows, siding, shingles or any interior remodeling.

Permit fees are based on the cost of construction:

$    0.00 - $   25,000         $  25.00

$ 25,001 - $  75,000         $  50.00

$ 75,001 - $150,000          $100.00

$150,001 - $250,000         $150.00

$250,001 - $400,000         $200.00

$400,001 - $600,000         $300.00

$600,001 - $800,000         $400.00

$800,001 and up               $500.00

Solar Energy Systems:   $750 per MW

Commercial Wind Energy Systems:  $750 per MW

Permit applications may be obtained by calling the Land and Resource Management Office at 320-669-7524 or you may apply in person at 1000 10th Avenue in Clarkfield MN.



A variance is an exception to the rules that are set forth in the Yellow Medicine County Land Use and Related Resource Management Ordinance.  A variance is necessary when a landowner wishes to build or develop his/her property and the rules of the Ordinance prohibit him/her from doing so.  

The decision to grant/deny a variance is made at a public hearing, by the Board of Adjustment.  Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the Ordinance, in cases where there are practical difficulties.     

More information on variances can be found in Section XIII - Administration, Subdivision 6.0- Variances  in the Land Use and Related Resource Management Ordinance.

The application fee for a variance is $250.00 and a $46.00 recording fee.


Conditional Use Permits

A Conditional Use permit is required for some land uses that under most circumstances may not be allowed but may be allowed with appropriate restrictions as provided by official controls. 

Prior to recommending approval or disapproval of a Conditional Use permit, the County Planning Commission must be sure that the proposed development and/or use meets the following:

a.  Be expressly identified in the Ordinance.

b.  Conform to the conditions enumerated in the Ordinance.

c.  Not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of the uses already permitted in the area.

d.  Not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding vacant property.

e.  Have or will have adequate utilities, access roads, drainage, and other necessary facilities.

f.  Assure that adequate measures will be taken to prevent offensive odor, fumes, dust and noise so that none of these will constitute a nuisance.

g.  Prior to recommending approval or disapproval of a Conditional Use Permit to the County Board, the County Planning and Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission shall determine that the applicant has obtained all necessary State and Federal permits.

More information on Conditional Use permits can be found in Section XIII - Administration, Subdivision 5.0, Conditional Use Permits in the Land Use and Related Resource Management Ordinance. 

There is a $450.00 conditional use permit application fee and a $46.00 recording fee.


Floodplain Management

Some areas of the County fall under regulations of the Floodplain Management Ordinance.  The purpose of this Ordinance is to minimize the potential for loss of life and propety in flood prone areas by limiting placement of residences and structures in those areas.  New structures or additions built must be at least one foot above the regulatory floodplain elevation.  By enforcing floodplain regulations, county residents are able to participate in the Federal Flood Insurance Program.