UCC Filing

EFFECTIVE Nov. 1, 2011 Yellow Medicine County is no longer a satellite filing office of the Secretary of State.

UCC filings may be directed to counties that are retaining
satellite status, or to the Office of Secretary of State.

CNS Filings - Effective February 1, 2007, all CNS filings will be filed at the Secretary of State's Office. 
All customer inquiries regarding the filing and searching of CNS need to be directed to the office of the
Secretary of State.  Forms will be updated with the latest changes, and will be available from the Secretary
of State website.

Secretary of State Website:   www.sos.state.mn.us

Mailing Address:

Secretary of State
180 State Office Building
St. Paul MN  55155-1299

Phone: 651-296-2803 or 877-551-6767