Low Interest Loans Available to Upgrade Your Septic System

Yellow Medicine County, in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, has low interest loan dollars available for you to upgrade your non-conforming septic system.  Low interest loans are available at an interest rate of 3 1/2% for 10 years.  Repayment of the loan will be as a special assessment on your property tax statement.

This low interest loan is available to all residents of Yellow Medicine County who meet the loan requirements, which are:  the septic system must be non-conforming, the property taxes on the parcel must be current, and the property must be valued in excess of $25,000 by the County Assessor.

If you are interested in participating in this program or for more information, call the Yellow Medicine County Land and Resource Management Office at 320-669-7524.  This money is available on a first come, first serve basis and funds are limited.